Build mobile friendly landing pages in minutes

Showcase your business, inspire visitors and prompt them to buy again with one QR code scan.
Scan Me!
Watch it in action!

Build a mobile friendly landing page in minutes not days.

Drag and drop
A simple drag and drop editor to easily create and update content
Dynamic redirect
Easily track and redirect users to your own website or social media
Powerful analytics
Track how many people scan and where they come from.

Styled templates
Instantly launch with beautiful pre-built templates and styling.
Drag and drop editor

Easily create and update

Bounce Pages can be styled and customised to suit any product, profile or business using a simple drag and drop editor.

Add photos, videos and augmented reality experiences to inspire visitors.
Let your brand stand out
Buttons and links
Social icons
Photos, video and Youtube embed
Tables and Forms
Dynamic redirect

Instantly redirect users

Bounce Pages can redirect users directly to your own website.

Easily track scans and replace the scan destination at any time.

Track performance

Track how many people scan your Bounce Pages and where they come from.

Export detailed scan data for analysis in other BI tools.
Styled templates

Express yourself

Personalize your Bounce Pages with a pre-built styled template.

Extend templates with custom styles to match your branding.

Build beyond the link in bio

Extend your Bounce Pages with powerful features.
Redirection rules
Augmented reality viewer
Age Check
Custom SEO Meta
Custom Background Images
Contact details
HTML/CSS embed
API access
Google Analytics ID
Image gallery
Video autoplay
Analytics export
File attachments
Google fonts
UTM parameters
Sensitive content banner
Social buttons
Custom fonts
Advanced styling
Facebook/Meta Pixel
TikTok Pixel


Can BouncePage be used as a link in bio?
BouncePage has both social buttons and links which can be easily added or changed at any time. You can use a link in bio to highlight all of the most valuable links easily in mobile friendly way. For example: linking to websites, product pages, blogs, photos, social profiles, booking sites - anything you want to link to.
Can I create multiple Bounce Pages?
Yes, you can create multiple Bounce Pages with a paid team subscription.
Can I collect payments via my Bounce Page?
You can collect payments by adding links to payment services to your Bounce Page. For example: Paypal, Stripe, Cash app.
What can I use BouncePage for?
BouncePage can be used for anything by anyone. For example: Small businesses, musicians, events, building a personal brand.